Monday, September 7, 2009

Gourd - Lounge Lizards

Okay - I finished another piece for the show this coming friday and finished beading another scarf - Lollipops! Here is the piece that I put aside nearly a year ago and worked furiously to finish up in time for the show. It is called LOUNGE LIZARDS and has 4 needle felted lizards on the gourd. I LOVE THE LIZARDS. They are to cute and they really all have their own personality. So this piece got me really fired up to do a lot more things......MORE to come later. This was so much fun! I have ideas for about 3 more floating in my head but first I need to bead some more scarves, felt and bead a few more AND finish another 4 pieces of felted art for the show. Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!! If I'd had half a brain in my head I would have had my friend Jeannie send back my felted hats and ski bands from Colorado but I guess I didn't think of it so she'll just have to keep them for her shows up there this year. I hope they sell. I had planned to get a lot more stuff done but it did not happen.

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